Nightmare Gamera

I was always a huge fan of kaiju like Godzilla and Gamera. I collected every movie for both monsters. One day, I was watching the Gamera Trilogy on DVD, and I was about to watch my favorite movie, ''Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris''. But when I opened the case, the DVD was gone. I thought that was strange, as I didn't remember misplacing the disc. Then I heard a knock at the door. Weird, I thought, as it was like 2 a.m. Nevertheless, I opened the door, but no one was there. As I prepared to go back inside, I looked down and saw a small box on the porch. The box was about the right size for a DVD, but it was blank and only had a slip of paper on it reading "GAMERA" in crudely written letters. What a coincidence I thought. I picked up the movie and went inside. It was also very dark and cold outside.
I opened the DVD, and there was a disk, which was blank and also had "GAMERA" written on it. I was curious, and slipped the disk into my DVD player. I noticed there were no menus, and I thought that was normal for a cheap sketchy DVD. The disc showed the Daiei and Toho logos, and I immediately knew it was a Gamera trilogy film. I hope its Gamera 3 I thought. After the logo screens, it showed a village in the Philippines, and I immediately recognized it as the opening scene from Gamer 3. Yes! I said happily. As it zoomed in to show the dead Gyaos corpse, I saw and old woman run out of a hut and hit the corpse, something that happened normally in the movie. Only this time, she kept hitting the corpse over and over again for like five minutes. As she did this, I was puzzled, and noticed that the audio sometimes cut out and the screen got all grainy. During the periods where it became grainy, I could barely make out a strange triangle with an eye on it in the background. Weird I thought. Eventually, the Gyaos' corpse split open, and two rotten corpses fell out, the two people the Gyaos was said to have eaten. But the corpses looked like real dead bodies that had been left out to rot, not the rubbery fake bodies used later in the movie. But the most unsettling thing was that I could ''smell'' them. I could very plainly smell decay in the house, and it felt was emanating from the TV. I thought that was weird.
Then the scene finally changed to show the part where the humans find a graveyard of Gameras underwater. Only this time, the skeletons were not Gameras. I couldn't make out what they were at first, but then I saw what they were. They were Gyaos, Barugon, Zigra, and all of Gamera's many other foes from the movies. Then the title screen appeared, but something was wrong. "GAMERA 666" was superimposed over the normal screen in bloody red letters. I was starting to get nervous. The next scene showed a flashback of Ayana in a car watching her parents get killed by terrifying version of Gamera that appears in her nightmares. Good I thought, the movie is getting normal. But I was wrong. so wrong
After the building collapses and Ayana screams as Nightmare Gamera's face is revealed, Gamera stepped on the car Ayana was in, and she died. Then after the flashback ended, it just cut to a picture of Ayana's crushed corpse sitting on the street in the ruins of Tokyo. That was it. It looked like the modern day, but Tokyo was still destroyed from the battle between Gamera and Super Gyaos. The shot zoomed out and showed that all of Tokyo looked destroyed and deserted. The screen stayed focused on the shot of Tokyo for ten more minutes, with gurgles screams ocassionally being heard in the distance. The screen finally changed, and a closeup of the two dead bodies from earlier flashed onto the screen, but they looked even more decayed than before. I also could smell them rotting again.
The next scene showed for some reason a clip from ''Gamera vs. Barugon''. Barugon was rampaging, but then Gamera showed up. But it wasn't Gamera. It was Nightmare Gamera again. The battle from the movie began, only with Nightmare Gamera instead of Gamera. I noticed that he fought more maliciously than before, and it felt like he was the bad guy instead of Barugon. At the part where Barugon freezes Gamera, Nightmare Gamera just reached out and grabbed Barugon's tongue then ripped it out. Barugon screeched and blood started pouring from his mouth. But not the normal purple blood from the movie. No, it was real-looking human blood. It looked like someone just superimposed footage of real blood over the scene. Barugon fell over, then Nightmare Gamera roared and spat a fireball at him, causing the screen to erupt in flames. The screen remained consumed in flames for about a minute, but then some random Russian text popped up on the screen. Now I was scared.
After that, there was more. Just footage of the battles from all of the Gamera movies, only featuring Nightmare Gamera, and an even more brutal realistic death for the enemy monster than in the actual movies. Finally, when Nightmare Gamera had killed every monster up through Legion, the screen showed the graveyard of Gamera's enemies again. Then more Russian text appeared on the screen, but then it all melted away into blood. It then showed Nightmare Gamera fighting Iris in the Kyoto train station, the final battle from Gamera 3. But this time, Nightmare Gamera was dominating the entire fight. He just kept beating up Iris, and eventually knocked him over. Iris fell down, and Ayana's body from earlier in the tape was laying next to him, looking exactly the same. I actually felt sorry for Iris, but my pity was replaced with shock when Nightmare Gamera spat a fireball at him, causing his head to explode into more realistic red blood, which splattered on the screen. Then the screen said "STOP." But the blood was still on the screen. I walked up to the screen and felt it, and the blood was actually there! I kept wiping it away, revealing something else on the screen. It was a still shot of Nightmare Gamera's face, but with red eyes dripping more blood from them, which came out of the screen and dropped onto the floor. I stared into his eyes for what seemed like hours. Then, I got up and murdered every member of my family, killing them in similar ways to how Nightmare Gamera had killed the other monsters. After it was done, I took the disc out and put it back in the box. I took it to the post office, dropped it off, then went back home. I sat on the couch until the cops came. They aimed their guns at me, but I just laughed. I screamed "Real suffering is not known!" at them, and ran towards them. They gunned me down right there, but my body lie there with its eyes wide open, red and dripping blood.


: This was just the sixth case of the Nightmare Gamera murders. Four more people died in similar ways later. All killed their families, mailed the strange package, and were gunned down by police in their homes. If you ever receive a DVD box marked "GAMERA," DO NOT OPEN IT. Call the police immediately, or you will become like the person who wrote this story.